Sunday, June 14, 2009

Puppy Tails - Ted is 12 Weeks Old

Ted is definitely growing up - Fast.

He's 12 weeks old now and often times we notice he's bigger when we either get up in the morning or home from work. They say they grow when they sleep, so we know that when he's extra tired, we are in for it. At 12 weeks he's weighing in at 35 pounds and is as tall as Missy.

He's a pretty good dog, but is finally showing us that he is indeed a puppy. We are working on some mouthing issues when he gets really wound up as well as all the basic dog commands. He's pretty smart though and catches on very quickly.

Here are some recent pictures:

10.5 Weeks Old

A typical evening in the backyard...

Family Portrait. Poor Missy.... Taking a snooze in the office with me. 12 weeks.
He sure does love the AC!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hospital Hill Run 10K

I should have written this earlier, things are starting to get foggy, but here goes....

Saturday, I got up bright and early for my first ever 10K. I'd been fretting about what shoes to wear. After my new shoes kept giving me fits, I didn't know if I should risk it or not. My options were run in the new shoes and possibly have the worlds largest blister develop on my heel a mile in to the race. Or, I could wear my old shoes that have absolutely zero cushion left in them and feel like I'm running barefoot. I slathered my feet in Aquaphor (it came in my free goodie bag) and tried out both shoes on my block. I decided it wasn't worth the risk and went with the old shoes. At least I'd know what to expect.

I was a little nervous about the weather. It was looking a bit ominous, but it was cool, no humidity and a nice breeze. Luckily the weather held out and it was an absolutely perfect morning for a run.

Crown Center was PACKED!!! I definitely did not remember it being that insane last year. I was supposed to meet Vince's girlfriend, Sheena there at the fountain, but we never did fine one another. I felt really bad! But I tried to find her, really hard!! We later found out we must have just been walking circles around each other, because she was there. Oh well!

The wheelchair racers and half marathoners started first. After a few minutes it was my turn. I wasn't as nervous as I have been at other races. I just lined up and walked till got to the start line and took off. I usually start races way too fast and end up dying by the second mile. This time I made a conscious effort to pace myself. I hate having people fly past me, but I just had to keep going at the speed I know would work for me.

Zach and I drove the course the night before and I'm SO glad we did. I totally knew what was coming and how to pace myself. I will definitely be doing this for all upcoming races! So super helpful!

Mile one was was a piece of cake. Nothin to it. Just down to the Sprint Center and turn on McGee. Mile two... The "Hospital Hill". Sonofabitch, that hill sucks. I'm not going to lie. I walked most of it. I walked some of most of the hills. I figured I can walk pretty quick and I should save up my energy for the non hill portions of the race. Had I actually trained a *wee bit* harder I might have been able to run all of them, but I blame my laziness. So anyway, after the Hospital Hill it seemed like FOREVER to get past mile two and mile 3. I wanted to quit, turn around, walk back to my car and drive home. I just wasn't feeling it. I was pretty down on myself and kept getting angrier and angrier at myself every time someone passed me.

Somewhere during mile 3 (I've lost my map, so I'm not exactly sure where), I hit my stride. Running just felt easy and I was totally comfortable. I was trucking right along! Miles 3 and 4 flew by! It was so neat - when we made the turn around somehwere during mile 4 all the super fast elite runners from the half marathon started flying past us. I couldn't believe it! It was fun clapping and cheering them home. It's just insane how fast they are!

During mile 5 my feet starting killing me. My toes were rubbing against the tops of my shoes and at one point I was nearly positive my feet were bleeding. I did everything I could to ignore the pain and keep moving on. My feet hurt so bad I didn't even notice that my ipod had totally rubbed my hip bone raw. It's still all scabbed up today!! I cannot believe I didn't feel that. THATS how bad my damn toes were hurting! I knew if I could just ge past mile 5 I was home free. The entire last 1.2 miles were all downhill (well except for one super steep hill that pretty much only the elite runners conquered - everyone else I saw totally walked it.) After that hill I FLEW through that last mile. I don't think I'd ever run that fast before. It was all totally downhill and I was pumped!! We finished by running down Grand back to Crown Center Square. They have speakers set up all along Grand with music playing and the announcer calling out names of people coming down the home stretch. I was one of them. It's so dorky but hearing him say "Here comes Stephanie!!! Push it Stephanie!! Here she comes!!" was so fun! I was absolutely shocked to see that I finished in just barely over an hour. I didn't think I could do it!

The finish line was totally clogged and I just wanted to walk around and catch my breath but I was stuck just standing there waiting for the herd to go through the lame food line. I got my finishers medal, iced towel and flip flops and headed to my car. I usually stay and watch people finish, but I had to get to Ted's first day of puppy school!!

Here are my stats:
Time: 1:02:28
Overall: 739/1263
Female: 324/723
Division: 84/??

Not the best, but like I said, better than I thought I'd do. I'm not sure what my next race will be. I am a little burnt out on running right now. I got a bike for my birthday and have been pedaling around on that, which is totally fun and the best leg workout ever! I'm also enjoying doing my old routine at the gym...eliptical, weights, random classes. I think I might just enjoy summer and see what I want to do come fall.

Oh and by the way - This marks the end of my "Weekly Fitness Log" It was starting to feel like homework. I still write down everything in my journal. Perhaps I'll do a general monthly update now. I dunno. We'll see!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ready or Not...

I just got back from packet pickup for the Hospital Hill Run (anyone sick of hearing me talk about this damn race?...... Too bad!). As usual, after going through the lines and checking out all my free swag, I'm pretty pumped up! Sheena (my brother's girlfriend) is running with me. It's her first race and I've never run "with" anyone before. We'll see how it goes. I think both of us understand that while we might start together, the likelihood of running the whole way together is slim. And I better win! The weather is questionable. It's supposed to be hot, humid and there's a chance of rain. Super.

Wish me luck!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekly Fitness Log - Week 20, 2009

I don't want to talk about it.

No, really.

I ran 6 miles on Saturday and well, the rest.... not so stellar.

I hate my body this week. I just want to curl up in bed and never go back in public ever again. I turn 28 on Sunday and I've never dreaded a birthday before. I just feel so disappointed in myself. I really let myself go this past year. I mean, I'm not "fat" by normal standards, but I don't feel like myself at all. Someone sent me a picture of myself from a few weeks ago and I nearly broke down in tears when I saw it. I don't even know who I am anymore.

I feel as if I have failed.

About Me

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Greenwood, Missouri, United States
