Well, summer appears to just be moving right along, doesn't it. It's been a busy one for us so far. It seems as though we've had something going on every weekend, which is a good thing, but it sure makes time fly. Zach goes back to school in about a month and his schedule is going to be pretty insane next semester. It's going to be trying on us, I can already tell. I guess if we know it's going to be hard going into it, then we can deal with it better. Let's hope anyway.
So, what's been going on?
Mostly dog stuff really. Ted is growing like a dang weed and Missy is becoming quite the good big sister. Ted has pretty much established that he runs this joint so Missy has calmed down quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, we still have plenty of crazy time.
Ted is going on 4 months old now. We've had him just 2 months and Zach and I were just talking this morning that we can't even remember life without him. He's a great little guy!
And quite the looker
And just so we don't leave Missy out, here she is too.
What else?
It seems as though everyone I know is having a baby! Two of them were just recently born. My cousin Angela (who lives next door to my parents) had a baby boy in early June named Reece and my oldest friend from Kindergarten, Kristin, just had a baby girl yesterday, although she hasn't told me the name yet. I'm dying to know!! Of course I have a major case of the "baby rabies" but alas, we want to wait until there is some sort of end in sight with Zach's school. Plus we wouldn't mind saving up a bit before as well. Although I'm not going to lie...waiting is hard.
I got a new car over the 4th! It's pretty nice if I do say so myself. For the past few weeks we've been out test driving some smaller SUV's. It was a close race between the Ford Escape, Hyundai Santa Fe and Honda CR-V. After lots of thought, pro/con lists, research and serious number crunching we decided on the Ford Escape. I got the "XLT" which I'm not sure what that means, but it's pretty nice. It's black and has everything on it that I could ever want! Zach likes to call it "the truck" but I think he just does that to make me mad.
We've gone to one Royal's game so far. We met up with Zach's friends Matt and Brienne who were doing a mini baseball tour following the Twins. I quite enjoyed the new "K". We are going back next weekend with my friends, so that should be a good time. Let's hope the weather is as perfect as it was when we went last week!
As far as my working out goes. Well... I'm getting there. The past couple weeks I have been back to the old gym routine. I finally sucked it up and canceled my 24 hour gym membership but they are kind of slimy and we actually aren't out of our contract until September. So for at least the rest of July and part of August I'll still have to drive a half hour out of my way to work out, but I'm making it a priority. I don't know. I'm kind of over talking about this stuff on here. I feel like I keep jinxing myself or something. I'll let you know when I've lost those 10 lbs! I am giving up pop during the week though!!! I haven't had one since Monday. I know that's only 2 days, but I really can't remember the last time I went 2 days without my beloved Diet Coke!! I'll let myself have one or two during the weekend, and one during the week if it's some sort of lunch out, but other than that. Water and Green Tea it is!
That's about all I can think of. I've been busy, but it hasn't been too exciting.
Till next time....